RFPMAR2018/008- Consultancy services for the Design, Testing and Commissioning of a Management Information System (MIS) for the Mauritius Renewable Energy Agency (MARENA - Lot1) and Utility Regulatory Authority (URA - Lot2)

Link to Atlas Project

00105006 - GCF - Accelerating Low Carbon


RFPMAR2018/008-Cover Page
Letter of Invitation
Data Sheet
TOR for Lot 1
TOR for Lot 2
Instruction to Offerors
Model Contract
General Conditions for Services
List of Website & Software requirements for MARENA
Clarification & Responses
Evaluation Table - Technical Proposal - Revised
Extension of deadline for bid submission


Deadline to receive bids/offers extended to 7 September 2018


Overview :

RFP/MAR2018/008 - Consultancy services for the Design, Testing and Commissioning of Management Information System (MIS) for the  Mauritius Renewable Energy Agency (MARENA - Lot1)  and  Utility Regulatory Authority (URA - Lot2)

   Lot 1 - Consultancy services for the Design, Testing and Commissioning of a Management Information System (MIS) for the Mauritius Renewable Energy Agency (MARENA).
    Lot 2 - Consultancy services for the Design, Testing and Commissioning of a Management Information System (MIS) for the Utility Regulatory Authority (URA).

Project ID: 00106328/Award ID: 00105006 GCF funded “Accelerating the transformational shift to a low-carbon economy in the Republic of Mauritius” project – Mauritius

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) hereby invites you to submit a Proposal to this Request for Proposal (RFP) for the above-referenced subject.

Project Background:

The Green Climate Fund (GCF), through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), is providing financial support and expertise to assist the Government of Mauritius in achieving their targets set in the Long-Term Energy Strategy and to empower the two entities, namely the MARENA and the URA for the development and regulation of RE respectively in Mauritius. In this context, the project – Accelerating the transformational shift to a low-carbon economy in the Republic of Mauritius -  is being implemented at national level and is financed under the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The project is being implemented in 3 components whereby Component 1 is focused on the institutional strengthening of MARENA and URA in order to equip them accordingly for their respective mandates.

At present, the IT system at both MARENA and URA is a basic system with laptops, internet connection, and email and there is no specialist and adapted MIS software nor any appropriate server(s) for centrally managing the information requirements of these institutions. In line with the operationalization and institutional strengthening strategies of both institutions, a robust, up-to-date, fully-fledged and integrated (hardware and software) MIS system is required. It is therefore proposed to design and implement a Management Information System (MIS) at MARENA and URA so that the institutions are fully equipped, using paperless technologies, to meet the corporate objectives.

The main beneficiary of Lot 1 is MARENA. The MARENA office is currently located at the 4th Floor, Celicourt Building, Sir Celicourt Antelme Street, Port Louis. As at June 2018, MARENA consists of 5 staff.

The main beneficiary of Lot 2 is the Utility Regulatory Authority. The URA is currently located at the 8th floor, 1 Cybercity Building, Ebène. As at June 2018, URA consisted of around 10 staff.

Deadline for submitting requests for clarifications/ questions: Wednesday 22 August 2018

Contact Details for submitting clarifications/questions: Focal Person: (i) Nishi Sewsurn, Procurement Assistant nishi.sewsurm@undp.org; and copy to (ii) Manusen RAGGOO, Project Manager and Ayesha Aumeeruddy - manusen.raggoo@undp.org; or  Project Assistant ayesha.aumeeruddy@undp.org

Proposal Submission Deadline:  Friday 07 September 2018 , Time : 17 00 hrs (Mauritius Local Time) (GMT+4)

Proposal must be submitted to:

Attention: The Head of Procurement Unit

UNDP Mauritius and Seychelles Country Office
6th Floor, Anglo Mauritius House
Intendance Street
P.O Box 253
Port Louis

Original: One (1) Hard Copy (Financial Proposal and Technical Proposal Envelopes must be completely separate and each must be sealed.)
Copies: 1 USB or 1 CD

Proposals should be submitted in soft copy in file sizes not exceeding 5 MB.

One CD/USB for Technical Proposals and one CD/USB for Financial Proposals in their separate sealed envelopes. The CDs/USB shall be clearly labelled with the name of project, title of Consultancy services, and name of bidder. 

Technical Proposal Envelopes and Financial Proposal must be completely in separate envelopes and each must be sealed and reference number indicated on the outer envelope with the name of the Bidder.

RFPMAR2018/008- Consultancy services for the Design, Testing and Commissioning of a Management Information System (MIS) for the Mauritius Renewable Energy Agency (MARENA - Lot1) and Utility Regulatory Authority (URA - Lot2)


 Note if the envelopes are not sealed and marked, the procuring UNDP entity will not assume responsibility for the Proposal’s misplacement or premature opening.


Deadline to receive bids/offers extended to 7 September 2018