Joint Call for Expression of Interest - Spotlight Initiative in Belize

Link to Atlas Project

00122758 - Spotlight Initiative


EOI- Spotlight Initiative Terms of Reference
Template for Expression of Interest Submission
Template for Organizational Profile
Template for Programme Proposal Work Plan
Annex 1 - Evaluation matrix
TOR with Extended Deadline.
Country Programme Document
TOR -2nd Extension


The European Union (EU) and the United Nations (UN) are embarking on a new, global, multi-year initiative focused on eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls (VAWG) - the Spotlight Initiative. The Initiative is so named as it brings focused attention to this issue, moving it into the spotlight and placing it at the centre of efforts to achieve gender equality and women’s empowerment, in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs), specifically SDG 5 on Gender Equality.

The Spotlight Initiative in Belize will contribute to ending family violence by strengthening policy and legislations that will guarantee increased protection of women and girls, building capacity of state and non-state actors to respond to family violence, expanding the range of services available and addressing social norms and behaviours that promote violence against women and girls. Under Outcome 1- critical gaps in the legislative and policy framework will be addressed to ensure Belize’s legal and policy frameworks are responsive and offers the greatest level of justice and protection to women and girls, while Outcome 2 will facilitate for strengthening the capacity of key coordinating and implementing agencies to better respond to family violence. Outcome 3 actions will seek to address critical social norms and other root causes of violence family violence, while Outcome 4 will ensure the scale up and delivery of critical services to women and girls while Outcome 5 will strengthen Monitoring and Evaluation system and support strong evidence base for the design and delivery of interventions. And finally, under Outcome 6, actions will ensure strengthened network of CSOs as well as capacities to advocate and design, implement, monitor and evaluate programmes on family violence.

The Spotlight Initiative will be implemented through three UN agencies (UNICEF, UNFPA, and UNDP) The overall vision of the Spotlight Initiative in Belize is that women and girls enjoy their right to a life free of violence, within an inclusive and gender equitable Belize.

The Spotlight Initiative in Belize is seeking expressions of interest from civil society organizations representing national and/or local/grassroots networks. The project follows the collaborative working model which seeks to institutionalize cooperation between the CSOs, central government, local executive authorities, and other relevant state bodies, through continuous dialogue, joint formulation and implementation of Spotlight interventions. The initiative is particularly interested in CSOs, NGOs and FBOs and academic institutions working across Belize with the expertise, programming experience and/or activities in addressing VAWG and addressing family violence such as service provision, capacity building, community mobilization, youth engagement among others.

This is a Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) from national CSOs/NGOs, including consortiiun, or potential partnership in delivering outputs across 3 out of 6 Outcomes of the programme. The Outcome and activities are as follows:

A consortium should consist of at least two CSOs/NGOs where one CSO/NGO shall be nominated as Lead organization and shall have overall responsibility for the coordination of output delivery. The Lead organization shall fulfil all eligibility criteria stipulated in this Call.